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 Copyright Statement 
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              Copyright Statement


      In order to protect the intellectual property rights in electronic resources, to save the reputation of NWPU and to guarantee the legal rights of all authorized users as well, the library appeals to all the organizations and individuals to pay attention to and comply with the regulations on intellectual property rights in electronic resources.

      1. Any downloading of the library-subscribed electronic resources by network downloading software tools is prohibited.

     2. Any systematically over-downloading of full-text documents from library-subscribed databases is prohibited.

     3. Any redistributing electronic literatures to non-NPU users and any use of these electronic literatures for the purpose of making profits are prohibited.

     4. Without the prior permission of the library, neither organization nor individual has the right to provide non-NPU users to access the library-subscribed electronic resources via proxy server.

     5. If there is any violation of the above rules, the library will make a detailed investigation together with university departments concerned. The violator will be punished by the following acts:

     (1)Report to the academic department and criticize in the campus.

     (2)Suspend his library privileges for six months.

     (3)Suspend his network acount for two months.?

      If there is any serious violation, the violator will be reported to the university and all the legal consequences and liabilities will be taken by the violator himself.

      All the library users are encouraged to assist the library in supervising the use of electronic resources. If any violation of the rules occurs, please inform the library.

   Tel: 88492361

  Email: lib@nwpu.edu.cn

copyright@ Northwestern Polytechnical University Library. Add: 127 Youyi Xilu,Xi'an Shaanxi 710072,P.R.China Tel:86-29-88492361